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Global Renewable News

Practical Advice for State Action to Achieve 100% Clean Energy: Two New Reports from CESA

October 28, 2021

The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), a national nonprofit organization, today (Oct 27) released two publications to assist state officials and other stakeholders interested in transitioning the electricity system to carbon-free power. One of the reports, Advice for States on 100% Clean Energy Planning, focuses on the process for producing a state decarbonization plan. With concrete suggestions and examples from states across the country, it covers how to create an inclusive planning process, how to address equity in a decarbonization plan, and how to design and present 100% clean energy plans.

The advice offered in the report can be useful to states at all stages of the decarbonization journey, whether they are currently focused on plan implementation, are working on modifying a plan, are developing a plan for the first time, or are considering whether to adopt a carbon-free electricity goal. In early 2022, CESA will publish a follow-up paper focused on the content of a 100% clean energy plan, as well as advise on reporting and evaluation.

CESA Executive Director Warren Leon, author of the Advice for States report, points out, "Although 100% clean power is eminently achievable, states need clear plans based on sophisticated technical and economic analysis, as well as on an understanding of the substantial social implications of the complex transformation of the electricity system. Broad stakeholder participation can produce a stronger plan and help ensure that the state's transition to clean energy retains widespread support from legislators and stakeholders."

CESA also released The Governance of Wholesale Power Markets, the second in a series of short white papers designed to help state officials and other stakeholders understand wholesale electricity markets. Wholesale power markets, designed for conventional dispatchable generation, can represent barriers to achieving carbon-free power.

This Governance paper looks especially at the role of regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) in operating regional wholesale power markets. It explains how the RTOs are governed and explores the barriers and opportunities for states to influence market governance.

The author of the white paper, Bentham Paulos, a CESA Senior Research Associate and Principal of PaulosAnalysis, notes, "Participation in the governance of regional wholesale power markets is not a casual pursuit, but it is necessary to achieve 100% clean energy goals. That's why CESA is providing specific steps that state officials and other stakeholders can take to keep abreast of and influence market governance."

The two publications were produced for the 100% Clean Energy Collaborative, an initiative to assist states that have zero-carbon goals, as well as states that may seek to establish such a goal. Through the Collaborative, the states are provided a venue to share their plans and experiences so that they can learn from each other and make more rapid progress towards carbon-free power. CESA manages the Collaborative in partnership with the U.S. Climate Alliance. Although state agency officials are the primary Collaborative participants, other stakeholders and the general public can attend free webinars and receive a free monthly newsletter that reports on activities across the country.

About the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA)

CESA is a leading US coalition of state energy agencies working together to advance the rapid expansion of clean energy technologies and bring the benefits of clean energy to all. Established in 2002, CESA is a national, member-supported nonprofit that works with its members to develop and implement effective clean energy policies and programs.

Samantha Donalds
Communications Coordinator
Clean Energy States Alliance
Ph: 508-654-5813
Email: sam@cleanegroup.org

For more information

Clean Energy States Alliance


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