For the first time in its history, CleanPowerSF delivered 100% renewable electricity to all 375,000 customers on its default Green service in 2023. This historic milestone, achieved two years ahead of the City's Climate Action Plan target, was made possible through an energy mix of solar, geothermal, wind and hydroelectric.
"Providing 100 percent renewable electricity to our Green customers in 2023 makes San Francisco a healthier place to live," said Dennis Herrera, General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). "The choices we make today - and the actions we take - show the world that shifting from dirty to clean power is not only possible, but essential for protecting the planet for future generations."
The City's Climate Action Plan outlined a city goal of using 100% renewable electricity by 2025. CleanPowerSF reached this historic milestone two years ahead of schedule. In addition, over the past nine years, CleanPowerSF has helped San Francisco reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use by 93% from 1990 levels, improving air quality in the city and fostering a healthier environment.
CleanPowerSF offers three electricity products Green, SuperGreen, and SuperGreen Saver. In 2023, the Green product included 56.5% California Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)-certified renewable energy supplemented with 43.5% large hydroelectric energy. CleanPowerSF's SuperGreen product offered 100% California RPS certified solar and wind energy, while the SuperGreen Saver product provided 100% California RPS eligible solar energy to eligible customers at a 20% discount. While the state of California does not recognize large hydroelectric power as RPS-eligible, the City of San Francisco classifies it as "renewable" given that it doesn't emit any air pollution when electricity is produced.
CleanPowerSF customers were informed of this news in December 2024 through a "Power Content Label." The California Energy Commission requires electricity providers like CleanPowerSF to publish their energy sources from the previous calendar year via a Power Content Label, a nutrition label for their electricity sources. To view CleanPowerSF's Power Content Label, visit For more information about Power Content Labels, visit
About CleanPowerSF and Hetch Hetchy Power
CleanPowerSF began serving customers in 2016 with a mission to provide San Francisco residents and businesses with clean, renewable electricity at competitive rates. CleanPowerSF procures clean energy from different producers, including through long-term contracts. Today, CleanPowerSF serves more than 380,000 customer accounts in San Francisco with clean and renewable energy supplies. Over the past nine years, CleanPowerSF has helped San Francisco reduce greenhouse gas emissions from electricity use by 93% from 1990 levels.
Along with CleanPowerSF, the SFPUC operates Hetch Hetchy Power, which generates and delivers 100% greenhouse gas-free energy to more than 6,300 customer accounts, including municipal buildings and facilities, such as San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco International Airport, schools, libraries and the Muni transit system. Hetch Hetchy Power also provides electricity to some commercial and residential developments, including affordable housing sites.
In 2023, CleanPowerSF and Hetch Hetchy Power collectively saved customers more than $170 million on electric bills compared to for-profit utility PG&E. Together, the SFPUC's two power programs meet over 75% of the electricity demand in San Francisco.
About the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) is a department of the City and County of San Francisco. We deliver drinking water to 2.7 million people in the San Francisco Bay Area, collect and treat wastewater for the City and County of San Francisco, and meet more than 75% of the electricity demand in San Francisco. Our mission is to provide our customers with high quality, efficient and reliable water, power, and sewer services in a manner that values environmental and community interests, and sustains the resources entrusted to our care. Learn more at
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