September 19, 2024
Global Renewable News

California Energy Commission Adopts 2025 Energy Code

September 19, 2024

The California Energy Commission (CEC) adopted the 2025 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Energy Code) for newly constructed, renovated buildings, and certain other existing buildings on September 11, 2024. California's Energy Code is updated on a three year cycle to lower energy use and lower the cost of operating buildings. The 2025 Energy Code focuses on five areas:

  • Encouraging efficient electric heat pumps for space and water heating in certain types of new buildings
  • Replacement of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment in certain types of existing buildings with high efficiency systems
  • Establishing electric-ready requirements for commercial kitchens
  • Updating solar and storage standards for high-rise multifamily and some nonresidential buildings
  • Strengthening ventilation standards to improve indoor air quality in multifamily buildings

The 2025 Energy Code is projected to save $4.8 billion in energy costs over its lifetime and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 4 million metric tons, equivalent to the annual energy consumption of over half a million homes. The adopted 2025 update will now be considered by the California Buildings Standards Commission. If approved by the California Building Standards Commission, the 2025 Energy Code would take effect on January 1, 2026. For more information, please click here.

For more information

California Energy Commission
1516 Ninth St
Sacramento California
United States 95814-5512

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