September 28, 2024
Global Renewable News

NASEO Releases Clean Hydrogen Publications for State and Territory Energy Offices

November 29, 2023

On November 28, 2023, NASEO, with support from Breakthrough Energy, released two new publications as part of a new toolkit for State and Territory Energy Offices on clean hydrogen. These tools were developed with input from the NASEO Clean Hydrogen State Working Group.

The first tool, Developing Clean Hydrogen State Roadmaps, provides an overview of existing state-led clean hydrogen roadmaps, reports, and studies with guidance on a process that could be replicated in other states. As State Energy Offices explore ways to accelerate the deployment of clean hydrogen in their states and regions, a clean hydrogen roadmap can provide a path forward by offering an analysis of state and regional challenges and opportunities. These roadmaps can outline potential policy, regulatory, and programmatic actions that can support clean hydrogen research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) and provide an overview of the landscape for clean hydrogen in a particular state. Please click here to view the publication.

The second tool, State Strategies to Develop and Support the Emerging Clean Hydrogen Workforce, provides guidance and resources for State Energy Offices to support the emerging clean hydrogen workforce and help their communities maximize the anticipated job opportunities and economic development benefits. State Energy Offices can play a pivotal role in preparing the emerging clean hydrogen workforce by assessing current and future job demand and training needs; facilitating partnerships among employers, workforce agencies, educational institutions, and other partners; and investing in programs and processes that expand access to clean hydrogen careers for historically underserved groups. Please click here to view the publication.

Please visit the NASEO Hydrogen page for more information on the tools, state-level clean hydrogen activities, and other relevant publications.

For more information

National Association of State Energy Officials

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