September 20, 2024
Global Renewable News

Natural Power and Searoc Group deliver assessment on Saint Nazaire Port Development plans

November 21, 2017

Natural Power was commissioned by the port of St. Nazaire and teamed up with SeaRoc Group for the preparation of a report to Grand Port Maritime de Nantes Saint-Nazaire (GPMNSN), to assist in the port's development plan to accommodate the delivery of offshore winds farms.

The report was provided to assist with considerations for offshore wind development plans as part of the port's wider development strategy.

The objective of the report was to identify the requirements for, and impact on the port to support an offshore wind farm. It identified the strategy for future development of the port, as a guidance to local authorities and to mitigate risks and included a construction timeline and key requirements for each development phase.

Thierry Ripoche, Managing Director of Natural Power France, said: "This study demonstrates not only Natural Power's wide-ranging expertise in the offshore renewable energy sector, but also our ability to draw in reputable long-term partners such as the SeaRoc Group. We deliver expert, high-value services to infrastructure as well as project developers in the French Offshore Renewables market and have been involved in more than 75 renewable offshore projects globally, including more than 20 delivered by our French team.

David Wotherspoon from SeaRoc Group commented: "We delivered an assessment of what the port would have to include in terms of facilities and land provision for the developer's requirements to run project management and construction personnel from the port. We looked at how the delivery of these port facility developments may be staged to tie in with the wind farm development stages. Subsequently, we are delighted to be informed that the study was considered of high quality and supported the decision-making process of the board of Grand Port Maritime de Nantes Saint Nazaire for the development plan of the outer-port."

For more information

Natural Power

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